Publication 20D-UM002C-EN-P - November 2003
Configuring DriveLogix Motion 5-3
Next link the appropriate parameters to the words being produced and
consumed by the controller.
Parameter 155 [Logic Status] is the source parameter and parameter 632
[Integer Out00] is the destination. The source will produce data and
destination will consume it.
Create the additional links listed Table 5.1.
4. Double click on parameter 632 [Integer Out00], from the
linear list view. This opens a dialog window for the
5. Click on the Link Source tab.
6. Type the parameter number (155) into the
Find Parameter Window
Use the Select Parameter list
to choose a parameter source.
Table 5.1 Required Parameter Links
Source Parameter Description
748 [CoarsePosit Trgt] 917 [Motn Posit Cmmd] The position interpolator of the
drive receives the coarse position
target from the DriveLogix Motion
750 [Coarse Spd Trgt] 918 [Motn Speed Cmmd] The Speed loop of the drive
receives the coarse velocity target
from the DriveLogix Motion
12 [Speed Ref 2] 751 [Interp Speed] Speed Ref 2 receives the Speed
reference from the Coarse to Fine