
Publication 20D-UM002C-EN-P - November 2003
Communicating with Devices on an EtherNet/IP Link 6-29
Example 3: DriveLogix
Controller to Other Devices
In the following example, one DriveLogix controller communicates with a
Logix5550 controller and an Ethernet PLC-5 controller over EtherNet/IP.
Example 3: Sending MSG instructions
You configure a MSG instruction to a Logix5550 controller the same as you
do for a DriveLogix controller. All Logix-based controllers follow the same
MSG configuration requirements. See Example 2 above.
Configuring a MSG instruction for a PLC-5 controller depends on the
originating controller.
For MSG instructions originating from the DriveLogix controller to the
Ethernet PLC-5 controller:
DriveLogix controller
ControlLogix controller
Ethernet PLC-5 controller
DriveLogix controller
Distributed control with a
ControlLogix controller as the
coordinating controller
Type of Logix MSG instruction: Source: Destination:
Typed Read any integer element (such as B3:0,
T4:0.ACC, C5:0.ACC, N7:0, etc.)
SINT, INT, or DINT tag
any floating point element (such as F8:0,
PD10:0.SP, etc.)
REAL tag