Publication 20D-UM002C-EN-P - November 2003
Installing and Maintaining the Battery B-3
2. Determine the percentage of time that the controller is powered off per
Use the off-time percentage you calculated with the following table to
determine battery life:
Replacing a Battery
Because the controller uses a lithium battery, you must follow specific
precautions when handling or disposing a battery.
If a controller is off:
• 8 hr/day during a 5-day work week
• all day Saturday and Sunday
Then the controller is off 52% of the time:
1. total hours per week = 7 x 24 = 168 hours
2. total off hours per week = (5 days x 8 hrs/day) + Saturday + Sunday
= 88 hours
3. percentage off time = 88/168 = 52%
Worst-case battery life estimate:
Temperature: Power off 100%: Power off 50%: Battery duration after
the LED turns on:
60° C
2 months 3.5 months 3 days
° C
2 months 4 months 3 days
The battery indicators (BATTERY) warns you when the battery is low. These durations are the amounts of time the battery will
retain controller memory from the time the controller is powered down after the LED first turns on.
If the BATTERY LED turns on when you apply power to
the controller, the battery life may be less than the table
above indicates. Some of the warning time may have been
used while the controller was off and unable to turn on the
The controller uses a lithium battery, which contains
potentially dangerous chemicals. Before handling or
disposing a battery, review Guidelines for Handling Lithium
Batteries, publication AG-5.4.