Publication 20D-UM002C-EN-P - November 2003
Communicating with Devices on a Serial Link 9-5
Specifying system protocol characteristics
The available system modes are:
Data bits Specifies the number of bits per message packet.
Select 8.
Stop bits Specifies the number of stop bits to the device with which the controller is communicating.
Select 1 or 2.
Control line Specifies the mode in which the serial driver operates.
Select No Handshake, Full-Duplex, Half-Duplex with Continuous Carrier, or Half-Duplex
without Continuous Carrier.
If you are not using a modem, select No Handshake
If both modems in a point-to-point link are full-duplex, select Full-Duplex for both
Characteristic: Description (default is shown in bold):
Half-Duplex settings do not work as with other Logix
controllers. RTS and CTS are not functional
Use this mode: For: See page:
DF1 point-to-point communication between the controller and one other DF1-protocol-compatible device.
This is the default system mode.
This mode is typically used to program the controller through its serial port.