Publication 20D-UM002C-EN-P - November 2003
6-8 Communicating with Devices on an EtherNet/IP Link
Configuring Remote I/O
The DriveLogix controller supports remote I/O over a EtherNet/IP link.
Configuring I/O in a remote chassis is similar to configuring local I/O. The
difference is that you must also configure the communication daughtercard
(1788-ENBT) in the local chassis and the communication module in the
remote chassis.
Add the FLEX I/O Ethernet Adapter to the I/O Configuration
1. In RSLogix 5000 programming software, select 1788-ENBT communication daughtercard.
2. Right-click to select New Module and add a 1794-AENT Ethernet adapter.
4. Specify (while offline) the IP address of the adapter that you installed. Use of the IP
address on this screen informs the controller of the adapter’s IP address for processes
such ladder logic and I/O data exchange.
IMPORTANT: When the project is online, you can also specify the IP address on the Port
Configuration screen, if you did not already use the Bootp tool to specify an IP address.
When you specify an IP address on the Port Configuration screen, you assign the IP
address to the device. If you specify an IP address on the Port Configuration screen, make