Publication 20D-UM002C-EN-P - November 2003
6-26 Communicating with Devices on an EtherNet/IP Link
3. Configure the MSG instruction. On the Configuration tab:
4. On the Communication tab, specify the communication path.
A communication path requires pairs of numbers. The first number in
the pair identifies the port from which the message exits. The second
number in the pair designates the node address of the next device.
For this item: Specify:
Message Type CIP Data Table Read or
CIP Data Table Write
Source Tag Tag containing the data to be transferred
Number of Elements Number of array elements to transfer
Destination Tag Tag to which the data will be transferred
For this item: Specify:
Communication Path 1,1,2,xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx,1,0
1 is the DriveLogix backplane of DriveLogix1
1 is 1788-ENBT daughtercard in slot 1
2 is the EtherNet/IP port
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx. is the IP address of DriveLogix2
1 is the DriveLogix backplane of DriveLogix2
0 is the controller slot of DriveLogix2