Publication 20D-UM002C-EN-P - November 2003
Communicating with Devices on an EtherNet/IP Link 6-21
Size limit of a produced or consumed tag
A produced or consumed tag can be as large as 488 bytes, but it must also fit
within the bandwidth of the EtherNet/IP network.
Producing a tag
Produced data must be of DINT or REAL data type or a structure. You can
use a user-defined structure to group BOOL, SINT, and INT data to be
produced. To create a produced tag:
1. You must be programming offline.
2. In the controller organizer, double-click the Controller Tags folder and
then click the Edit Tags tab.
3. Select the tag that you want to produce, or enter a new tag, and display
the Tag Properties dialog box.
4. Make sure the tag is controller scope.
5. Select the “Produce this tag” check box. Specify how many controllers
can consume the tag.
You can produce a base, alias, or consumed tag.
The consumed tag in a receiving controller must have the same data type as the
produced tag in the originating controller. The controller performs type
checking to ensure proper data is being received.
Produced tags require connections. The number of connections depends on
how many controllers are consuming the tags. The controller requires one
connection for the produced tag and the first consumer. Then, the controller
requires an additional connection for each subsequent consumer.