Publication 20D-UM002C-EN-P - November 2003
4-2 Placing and Configuring Local I/O
Placing Local I/O Modules
When you create a project for a DriveLogix controller, the Controller
Organizer for that project automatically displays the local DIN rail.
You must configure an RPI rate for the DIN rail. This rate applies to all the
I/O modules you install on the DIN rail.
The DriveLogix controller uses to two services to scan I/O: the FlexBus and
the controller itself.
If you have: The fastest possible RPI is:
one rail of digital I/O modules 30 ms
one rail of analog I/O modules 30 ms
one rail of digital and analog I/O modules mixed 30 ms
Controller scan
FlexBus scan
Slot 0Slot 1Slot 2Slot 3Slot 4Slot 5Slot 6Slot 7
When installing local I/O with a DriveLogix controller in a
high power drive, the length of the FLEXBUS cable must
not exceed 3 ft.