
Publication 20D-UM002C-EN-P - November 2003
DriveLogix Back-Up on DeviceNet 12-5
9. Connect the other DriveLogix controller with a 1788-DNBO scanner
on the network.
10. Set the node address to 0.
11. Power-up the controller and scanner.
12. Use RSNetWorx for DeviceNet to download the same scanlist used in
step 5.
It may be necessary to browse the network again before downloading
the scanlist. This second browsing of the network allows RSNetWorx
for DeviceNet to establish communication to the new scanner at the
same node number as the previous scanner.
13. Use RSLogix 5000 to download the user program to the second
DriveLogix controller as performed in step 6.
Typically, the same user program is downloaded to the second
DriveLogix controller as the first. However, unlike the scanlists, the user
programs in the controllers do not have to be identical.
14. Put the controller into RUN mode.
This controller is now ready to go and is the primary controller.
15. Reapply power to the secondary controller and/or reconnect the
secondary scanner to the DeviceNet subnet.
This completes the back-up process. For more detailed information on some
of the steps listed previously, see the next section.