Publication 20D-UM002C-EN-P - November 2003
Communicating with Devices on a DeviceNet Link 8-11
Example 2: Using a
1788-CN2DN Linking
In the following example, one DriveLogix controller controls remote
DeviceNet devices through a 1788-CN2DN linking device.
This example has a DriveLogix controller controlling three DeviceNet devices
through the linking device. The controller automatically creates a
rack-optimized connection for the remote data based on the configuration of
the linking device.
The tag name for the rack-optimized array tag is based on the name of the
linking device. For example, if you name the linking device “cn_2_dnet,” the
software automatically creates cn_2_dnet:I and cn_2_dnet:O data structures.
DriveLogix controller
1788-CN2DN linking device
ControlLogix controller
with 1756-DNB
1794-ADN with FLEX I/O modules
The 1788-CN2DN device in this example is in named
The data for the linking device is configured as a
rack-optimized connection.