Publication 20D-UM002C-EN-P - November 2003
Communicating with Devices on an EtherNet/IP Link 6-7
Step 3: Configure the daughtercard as part of the system
Use RSLogix 5000 programming software (Version 11 or later) to map the
1788-ENBT communication daughtercard as part of the DriveLogix system.
In the Controller Organizer, add the communication daughtercard to the I/O
Configuration folder.
Complete your system configuration and develop your program logic. Then
download the project to the DriveLogix controller.
1. In RSLogix 5000 programming software, select the I/O Configuration folder.
2. Right-click to select New Module and add a 1788-ENBT communication daughtercard.
3. Specify the appropriate communication daughtercard settings.
4. Specify (while offline) the IP address of the
communication daughtercard that you installed.
Use of the IP address on this screen informs the
controller of the daughtercard’s IP address for
processes such ladder logic and I/O data exchange.
IMPORTANT: When the project is online, you can
also specify the IP address on the Port
Configuration screen, if you did not already use the
Bootp tool to specify an IP address. When you
specify an IP address on the Port Configuration
screen, you assign the IP address to the device. If
you specify an IP address on the Port Configuration
screen, make sure it matches the IP address on the
General screen.