
Publication 20D-UM002C-EN-P - November 2003
8-12 Communicating with Devices on a DeviceNet Link
The rack-optimized connection creates a DINT element for mapped data for
each DeviceNet module connected to the linking device “cnet_2_dnet.” The
array cnet_2_dnet:I.Data contains the possible input elements; the
cnet_2_dnet.O.Data contains the possible output elements.
The index number on the array element refers to the same numbered word
mapped to the device in RSNetWorx for DeviceNet. Depending on the device,
there can be several words mapped to on device. You can create aliases to the
elements you actually use to more identify the data you need.
System requirements for using the linking device
If you want to use the linking device to connect to DeviceNet, you need:
a 1788-CN2DN ControlNet to DeviceNet linking device
As a bridge, the linking device routes I/O and messaging data with a 5
ms delay. As a ControlNet device it offers a 2ms network update time.
As a DeviceNet device, it provides full DeviceNet DML Scanner
a 1788-CNx communication card installed in the DriveLogix
communication slot for the ControlNet network
RSLogix 5000 programming software to configure the linking device
module as part of the DriveLogix system
RSNetWorx for ControlNet software to configure the 1788-CN2DN
device on the ControlNet network