
Publication 20D-UM002C-EN-P - November 2003
DriveLogix Back-Up on DeviceNet 12-11
Table 11.1 describes the possible values this message may return when reading
the back-up state of the DeviceNet scanner.
Table 11.1
If the message reads
this value:
the back-up state of the DeviceNet scanner is:
0 Disabled
1 Primary scanner
2 Back-up scanner
3 Invalid primary node address (e.g. the node address cannot
be 62 or 63)
4 Faulted back-up scanner - CRC failure (e.g. the scanlists in
the scanners do not match)
5 Faulted back-up scanner - back-up node number failure (e.g.
the back-up scanner is not using a node number = the
primary node number + 1)
6 Back-up scanner pending primary detection
254 Attempting primary access
255 Attempting back-up access