
Publication 20D-UM002C-EN-P - November 2003
7-6 Communicating with Devices on a ControlNet Link
The local daughtercard becomes the “parent module” to the remote module.
The controller organizer shows this parent/child relationship between local
and remote communication devices.
Configure I/O modules for the remote communication module by adding
them to the remote communication module (i.e., right-click the 1794-ACN15
module and select New Module). Configure the remote I/O modules the same
way you do local I/O modules.
3. In the Controller Organizer, select the local 1788-CNx communication daughtercard you just added. Add and configure the remote
communication module (1794-ACN15 in this example)
5. Add and configure the remote I/O modules on the remote communication module you just added.