Publication 20D-UM002C-EN-P - November 2003
7-2 Communicating with Devices on a ControlNet Link
Step 1: Configure the hardware
Before you can connect the DriveLogix system to the ControlNet network,
you must configure the 1788-CNx communication daughtercard and make
sure it’s properly installed in the DriveLogix controller.Refer to Access
Procedures on page C-1 to understand how to gain access to the NetLinx
daughtercard slot on the DriveLogix controller.
You’ll need to configure the communication daughtercard slot number to 1 in
the RSLogix 5000 programming software. The DriveLogix controller uses slot
For more information about configuring a 1788-CNx communication
daughtercard, see:
For this card: See this document:
1788-CNC, -CNCR 1788-IN002
1788-CNF, -CNFR 1788-IN005