
Publication 20D-UM002C-EN-P - November 2003
Communicating with Devices on a ControlNet Link 7-21
To consume data from a remote controller, use RSNetWorx software to
schedule the connection over the ControlNet network.
The produced tag in the originating DriveLogix controller must have the same
data type as the consumed tag in the other DriveLogix controller. The
DriveLogix controller performs type checking to ensure proper data is being
Guidelines for Configuring
The 1788-CNx communication daughtercard supports 9 scheduled
connections. How you configure these connections determines how many
devices the daughtercard can support.
The NUT and RPI also play a part in determining how many connections a
1788-CNx can support in a given application, assuming the RPIs will be the
same for all connections. You must also make sure that you do not exceed the
maximum number of bytes per NUT.
With the NUT = 5ms, the limit is 3 connections
With the NUT = 10ms, the limit is 7connections
With the NUT >
20ms, the limit is 9 connections
If a consumed-tag connection fails, all of the other tags
being consumed from that remote controller stop
receiving data.