Publication 20D-UM002C-EN-P - November 2003
11-4 Communicating with Devices on a Third-Party Link
Communication Format
The Communication Format field chooses a data type for information
transmitted between the controller and a remote device connected to the
1788-MODULE communication card. This format creates an array in the
controller of whatever data type you choose for the input and output data.
Connection Parameters
You must set connection parameters to define data identification and
connection size. An Assembly Instance and Data Size must be assigned for
• Input
• Output
• Configuration.
Assembly Instance
The Assembly Instance is a number that identifies what data transferred
between the owner-controller and I/O module looks like. You must create a
map that defines your assembly instance entries.
The size field determines how large the connections are between the
owner-controller and the I/O module. Connections are sent in sizes matching
the communications format data type selected. The default, DINT, results in
32-bit quantities.
Complete your system configuration and develop your program logic. Then
download the project to the controller.