
Publication 20D-UM002C-EN-P - November 2003
9-4 Communicating with Devices on a Serial Link
Step 2: Configure the serial port of the controller
Specifying serial port characteristics
Specify these characteristics on the Serial Port tab (default values are shown in
3. On the System Protocol tab, select the appropriate DF1 communication mode for point-to-point or master/slave
communications. Or on the User Protocol tab, select ASCII to communicate with an ASCII device.
1. In RSLogix 5000 programming software, select the Controller folder. Right-click to select Properties.
Characteristic: Description (default is shown in bold):
Mode Select System (for DF1 communication) or User mode (for ASCII communication).
Baud rate Specifies the communication rate for the serial port. Select a baud rate that all devices in
your system support.
Select 110, 300 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, or 38400 Kbps.
Parity Specifies the parity setting for the serial port. Parity provides additional message-packet
error detection.
Select None or Even.