Publication 20D-UM002C-EN-P - November 2003
1-22 Getting Started
Viewing controller memory usage
What To Do Next
Once your controller is installed and operating, you can use RSLogix™ 5000
programming software to develop and test your control application.
Use the remaining chapters in this manual as reference material for how the
DriveLogix controller operates in the Logix environment.
2. Select the Advanced tab.
In addition to other information, the Advanced tab
displays controller memory usage.
1. View properties for Controller quick_start.
A. Place the cursor over the Controller quick_start folder.
B. Click the right mouse button and select Properties.
Important: The amount of memory that the software displays includes
both the user available memory and the memory reserved for overhead.
See the specifications for your controller to determine how much memory
you have available for programming. This dialog box might display a higher
number, but the additional memory is required by system overhead and may
not be available for programming.