Publication 20D-UM002C-EN-P - November 2003
6-22 Communicating with Devices on an EtherNet/IP Link
Consuming a tag
A consumed tag represents data that is produced (broadcast) by one controller
and received and stored by the consuming controller. To create a consumed
1. You must be programming offline.
2. In the controller organizer, double-click the Controller Tags folder and
then click the Edit Tags tab.
3. Select the tag that you want to consume, or enter a new tag, and display
the Tag Properties dialog box.
4. Specify:
All consumed tags are automatically controller-scope.
The produced tag in the originating DriveLogix controller must have the same
data type as the consumed tag in the consuming DriveLogix controller. The
DriveLogix controller performs type checking to make sure proper data is
being received.
In this field: Type or select:
Tag Type Select Consumed.
Controller Select the name of the other controller. You must have already created the controller in
the controller organizer for the controller name to be available.
Remote Tag Name
Remote Instance
Type a name for the tag in the other controller you want to consume.
Important: The name must match the name in the remote controller exactly, or the
connection faults.
(requested packet interval)
Type the amount of time in msec between updates of the data from the remote controller.
The local controller will receive data at least this fast.
Display Style If you are creating a consumed tag that refers to a tag whose data type is BOOL, SINT,
INT, DINT, or REAL, you can select a display style. This display style defines how the tag
value will be displayed in the data monitor and ladder editor. The display style does not
have to match the display style of the tag in the remote controller.
If a consumed-tag connection fails, none of the tags are
transferred from the producing controller to the
consuming controller.