Publication 20D-UM002C-EN-P - November 2003
9-8 Communicating with Devices on a Serial Link
Example 1: Workstation
Directly Connected to a
DriveLogix Controller
In the following example, a workstation directly connects to a DriveLogix
controller over a serial link. This is useful for downloading a controller project
directly to the controller.
Use RSLogix 5000 programming software to configure the controller’s serial
port for the DF1 point-to-point (full-duplex) protocol. This type of protocol
supports simultaneous transmission between two devices in both directions.
The DF1 point-to-point protocol controls message flow, detects and signals
errors, and retries if errors are detected.
Configuring a DF1 point-to-point station
This field: Description:
Station address The station address for the serial port on the DF1 point-to-point network. Enter a valid DF1
address (0-254). Address 255 is reserved for broadcast messages. The default is 0.
NAK receive limit Specifies the number of NAKs the controller can receive in response to a message
Enter a value 0-127. The default is 3.
ENQ transmit limit Specifies the number of inquiries (ENQs) you want the controller to send after an ACK
Enter a value 0-127. The default is 3.
ACK timeout Specifies the amount of time you want the controller to wait for an acknowledgment to its
message transmission.
Enter a value 0-32767. Limits are defined in 20ms intervals. The default is 50 (1000ms).