
Publication 20D-UM002C-EN-P - November 2003
Communicating with Devices on an EtherNet/IP Link 6-13
Sending Messages
The DriveLogix controller can send MSG instructions to other controllers
over an EtherNet/IP link. Each MSG instruction requires you to specify a
target and an address within the target. The number of messages that a device
can support depends on the type of message and the type of device:
MSG instructions are unscheduled. The type of MSG determines whether or
not it requires a connection. If the MSG instruction requires a connection, it
opens the needed connection when it is executed. You can configure the MSG
instruction to keep the connection open (cache) or to close it after sending the
This device: Support this many
unconnected messages:
Support this many
connected messages:
1756-ENBT module
(for a Logix5550 controller)
256 128
1788-ENBT daughtercard
(for a DriveLogix controller)
1794-AENT adapter
(for FLEX I/O)
The 1794-AENT adapter can support a total of 32 messages whether they be
connected, unconnected or some combination of both.
Ethernet PLC-5 controller 32 128
This type of message: And this communication method: Uses a connection:
CIP data table read or write X
PLC2, PLC3, PLC5, or SLC (all types) CIP
CIP with Source ID
CIP generic CIP
block-transfer read or write X
You can connect CIP generic messages, but for most applications, we recommend you leave CIP generic messages unconnected.