Publication 20D-UM002C-EN-P - November 2003
7-32 Communicating with Devices on a ControlNet Link
4. Create a consumed tag with the following properties:
5. In the RSNetWorx for ControlNet software, reschedule (save)
the network.
Example 3: Total connections required by DriveLogix1
The following table calculates the connections used in this example.
If you configured the local I/O modules as rack-optimized, you would only
need the DIN-rail connection to the I/O modules, reducing the above
example by 3 connections.
For this tag property: Type or select:
Tag Type Consumed
Controller The ControlNet PLC-5 that is producing the data
Remote Instance The message number from the ControlNet configuration of the
ControlNet PLC-5 controller
RPI A power of two times the NUT of the ControlNet network. For
example, if the NUT is 5ms, select an RPI of 5, 10, 20, 40, etc.
Data Type The user-defined data type that you created.
Connection: Amount:
DriveLogix1 controller to 3 local I/O modules
rack-optimized connection for the DIN rail
direct connection for each I/O module
DriveLogix1 controller to local 1788-CNC 0
DriveLogix1 controller to remote 1756-CNB 1
DriveLogix1 controller to remote ControlNet PLC-5 1
connected, cached MSG from DriveLogix1 to Control1 1
connected, cached MSG from DriveLogix1 to PLC5C1 1
Produced TagA
produced from DriveLogix1 to DriveLogix2
consumed by PLC5C1
Consumed TagB from DriveLogix2 1
Consumed INT from PLC5C1 1
total connections used: 12