
1 Publication 20D-UM002C-EN-P - November 2003
Communicating with Devices on a
DeviceNet Link
Using This Chapter
Configuring Your System for
a DeviceNet Link
For the DriveLogix controller to operate on a DeviceNet network, you need:
a 1788-DNBO DeviceNet communication daughtercard.
RSLogix 5000 programming software, version 10 or later, to configure
the 1788-DNBO card as part of the DriveLogix system
RSNetWorx for DeviceNet software to configure the 1788-DNBO card
on the DeviceNet network
For information about: See page
Configuring your system for a DeviceNet link 8-1
Placing DeviceNet devices 8-5
Accessing DeviceNet devices 8-6
Placing the communication card in Run mode 8-9
Example 1: DriveLogix controller and DeviceNet devices 8-10
Example 2: Using a 1788-CN2DN Linking Device 8-11