File Management
This chapter contains command line interface (CLI) commands needed to manage the configuration files
as well as other file management commands.
boot system
Specify the location where the Dell Networking OS image used to boot the system is stored.
boot system {gateway ip address | {default | primary |
secondary} {system {A: | B:} | tftp: | ftp:}
To return to the default boot sequence, use the no boot system command.
gateway Enter the IP address of the default next-hop gateway for the
management subnet.
ip-address Enter an IP address in dotted decimal format.
default Enter the keyword default to use the default Dell
Networking OS image.
primary Enter the keyword primary to use the primary Dell
Networking OS image.
secondary Enter the keyword secondary to use the secondary Dell
Networking OS image.
system A: | B: Enter A: or B: to boot one of the system partitions.
tftp: Enter the keyword TFTP: to retrieve the image from a TFTP
server: tftp://host-ip/filepath.
ftp: Enter the keyword FTP: to retrieve the image from an FTP
server: ftp://
userid:password @host-ip/filepath.
Defaults Not configured.
File Management