Linecard slot 1: No card diags executed yet (Card
Linecard slot 2: No card diags executed yet (Card
Linecard slot 3: No card diags executed yet (Card
Example: After
diagnostics are
run on a switch
Dell# show diag information
Diag information:
Diag software image version:
Linecard slot 0: Card diags are done (Card Offline).
Linecard slot 1: Card diags are done (Card Offline).
Linecard slot 2: Card diags are done (Card Offline).
Linecard slot 3: Card diags are done (Card Offline).
show diag testcase
Display the offline diagnostic tests available for the Z9500 CPUs at each level.
show diag testcase {all | {{cp | rp | linecard} unit-id}
[alllevels | level0 | level1 | level2]
all Enter the keyword all to display the complete suite of
offline diagnostic tests available on the Z9500.
cp unit-id Enter the cp unit-id parameters to display only the offline
diagnostic tests available on the Control Processor CPU. The
Control Processor CPU ID is 0.
rp unit-id Enter the rp unit-id parameters to display only the offline
diagnostic tests available on the Route Processor CPU. The
Route Processor CPU ID is 0.
linecard unit-id Enter the linecard unit-id parameters to display only
the offline diagnostic tests available for a specified line card.
The range of line-card CPU IDs is from 0 to 2. Each line-card
CPU processes packets on the corresponding Z9500 line
card; for example, line-card CPU 1 processes packets on line
card 1.
alllevels Enter the keyword alllevels to display the the complete
set of offline diagnostic tests.
level0 Enter the keyword level0 to display only the Level 0
diagnostic tests. Level 0 diagnostics check for the presence
of various components and perform essential path
verifications. In addition, they verify the identification
registers of the components on the board.
Debugging and Diagnostics