IES-1000 User’s Guide
G.SHDSL Module Port Setup 12-11
Figure 12-7 Add G.SHDSL Port Bonding
Table 12-7 Add G.SHDSL Port Bonding
Port Setup Click this link to go to the Port Setup screen.
Bonding Name Type a name to identify this port bonding group.
Mode Select the type of bonding units that you want to bond together into a port bonding group
(single logical connection) and which side of the connection this port bonding group is.
Select 2-wire to bond individual ports (each port uses two wires) together.
Select 4-wire to bond 4-wire (two port) n-wire groups together.
Select 8-wire to bond 8-wire (four port) n-wire groups together.
You must use the Add G.SHDSL N-wire Group screen to configure the 4 or 8-
wire bundled groups before you can use this screen to bond them.
Select STU-C to set this end of the connection as the SHDSL Terminal Unit – Central side.
Select STU-R to set this end of the connection as the SHDSL Terminal Unit – Remote side.
You can bond multiple groups of ports as long as they do not overlap. One SAM1008 module
can have both STU-C and STU-R groups.
Make sure that G.SHDSL ports one through four are all the same end of their connections (all
STU-C or all STU-R).
Make sure that G.SHDSL ports five through eight are all the same end of their connections (all
STU-C or all STU-R).
G.SHDSL ports one through four do not need to be set to be the same end of the connection
as G.SHDSL ports five through eight. For example, G.SHDSL ports one through four could be
set to be STU-C while G.SHDSL ports five through eight are set to be STU-R.