IES-1000 User’s Guide
Statistics 19-3
Table 19-2 Hardware Monitor
Status This field displays Normal for temperatures below the threshold and Error for those above.
Poll Interval(s) The text box displays how often (in seconds) this screen refreshes. You may change the
refresh interval by typing a new number in the text box and then clicking Set Interval.
Stop Click Stop to halt the hardware monitor statistic polling on the IES-1000.
19.2.2 Port Statistics Screen
Click Statistics in the navigation panel and then Port Statistics in the Statistics screen to open this screen.
Use this screen to check status and performance data about the IES-1000’s ports.
Figure 19-3 Port Statistics
Table 19-3 Port Statistics
System up Time This field shows how long the system has been running since the last time it was started.
Port This identifies the DSL or Ethernet (lan) port.
Link This field shows the upstream/downstream speeds of the DSL connections that are up or
Down for the DSL ports that are not connected.
The field for the Ethernet port displays the speed and the duplex. Take 100M/Full as an
example, the 100M represents a speed of 100Mbps and the Full is for full duplex.