100 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
Starting GXCC Operating and monitoring CentricStor Suppressing the password query
Releasing individual users
The password query can be suppressed if an entry in the .rhosts file permits access to
CentricStor. To do this, the monitoring system is entered in the following .rhosts file on the
monitored system:
Service mode: /usr/apc/diag/.rhosts
User mode: home/xtccuser/.rhosts
Observe mode: home/xtccobsv/.rhosts
The following options are available for an entry in the .rhosts file:
● + <id>
In this case access can take place from any monitoring host.
● <host-name> <id>
In this case, access is permitted only from the host with the name <host-name>. The
Name Server entry, the Yellow Page entry or the IP address of the source computer
must be used for <host-name>. This depends on the current operating configuration
and network topology. The first two entries generally differ only in that the domain name
is part of the name (Name Server) or is missing (Yellow Page). It is most convenient just
to take all options into account in the .rhosts file.
The <host-name> currently being used can also be seen in the status line of the
If password-free access to CentricStor is to be permitted from the PC “PCjoesmith”, the
following entries must be made on CentricStor in the /.rhosts file which is dependent
on the access mode (here: Observe mode):
PCjoesmith xtccobsv
PCjoesmith.mch.xyz.de xtccobsv
Releasing indivudual computers
The /etc/hosts.equiv file enables you to grant complete computer password-free
access to CentricStor. Password-free access to all modes is permitted by entering the
computer name or its IP address.