U41117-J-Z125-7-76 139
GXCC Main window Controller Color Scheme
You can select whether you wish to display the FC connections in such a way that all
connections to a single ISP are displayed in the same color (Controller Color Scheme) or
so that all connections to a domain (a switch) are displayed in the same color (Domain Color
The mode that is not currently set will be offered. This setting is only relevant for the repre-
If incorrect cabling exists, the color setting will have no effect. The incorrect corrections will
be shown in red, and the others will be shown in gray. Show data fcswitch <Name of the switch> [(trap)]
The information about the switch as obtained via SNMP is output in a text window. The
name of the switch is given in the window title of the information about the Fibre Channel
If a trap existed for the switch, the information “(trap)” is deleted. If this outputs all traps that
have not yet been read, then the yellow SNMP display on the fabric symbol disappears.