104 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
Starting GXCC Operating and monitoring CentricStor Using the direct XDMCP interface
The full range of XDMCP (X Display Manager Control Protocol) functions cannot be used
in CentricStor 2.1.
You are strongly recommended to use the X11 servers in Passive mode. Starting from a UNIX system
1. Make sure that the ISP to be addressed is listed in the XHOST list of the calling system.
If in doubt, enter its name or IP address with the “xhost” command
(/usr/bin/X11/xhost +<Name or IP address of the ISP>).
2. Remote login, e.g. using telnet, to the desired ISP of CentricStor (in general, this
should be the VLP) under the user ID “tele”. You will need the appropriate password.
3. Call GXCC using the command line described in the section “Command line” on
page 95. Specify the IP address or host name for the -display parameter and,
separated by “:”, the screen number of the calling system. It is advisable to terminate
the line with “&”. The telnet screen then remains open and displays any errors that occur
before the establishment of an X11 connection.
Common error messages:
The X11 server is not running or the X11 host is not in the XHOST list of the GXCC host.
The screen number was forgotten in -display.