U41117-J-Z125-7-76 409
XTCC VLM (Virtual Library Manager)
● Whether the cache file system is used for “floating” volumes or whether volume groups
are permanently assigned to it (“exclusive”).
● The number of “misplaced” volumes which may be present. These are logical volumes
which are currently not located in the cache file system for which they were configured.
The cache status provides an overview of the CentricStor load status. In the case of logical
volumes, the following numerical values are displayed:
– Total number of logical volumes
– Logical volumes in home status
– Mounted (loaded) logical volumes
– Logical volumes that are currently being loaded from tape to cache (restoring)
– Logical volumes that are being read in as part of a reorganization (move restore)
– Logical volumes that are being rewritten as part of a reorganization (move save)
– Logical volumes for which a prefetch operation is running
– Logical volumes that are no longer present in the cache (migrated)
– Logical volumes whose physical tape map is obsolete (dirty)
– last mount completed: indicates when a logical volume was last mounted (if cc=0) or the
VLM error code with which the last mount job was aborted.
Only statuses which are assigned are also listed.
“Mode” indicates whether logical tape processing (i.e. the acceptance of mount
requests) was halted by the host (mode: Halt) or not (mode: Run).
“State” indicates whether the VLM is currently still executing jobs (state: busy) or not
(state: idle).