238 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
General Global Status
When “Global Status” is started, a window like the one shown below will be opened:
The figure above is just an example, it can be arranged as you wish.
The components are, from left to right:
Profile Name of the profile file. A profile file can be selected with the
parameter at startup time or at any time via the function bar.
Language Language selected: E (English), D (German)
CS Version CentricStor version
Operating mode The access rights with which the Global Status Monitor is currently run-
ning are displayed here:
SERVICE Service mode
USER User mode
OBSERVE/OBSV Observe mode
Size The imaging scale set with “Options Settings” (see the section “Set-
tings” on page 150) is displayed.
Scan Time Timestamp of the last data update
Platform Operating system of the monitoring computer
Version Version of the Global Status Monitor