U41117-J-Z125-7-76 617
VLP Master
The VLP Master is an ISP of the type VLP in which the central management processes,
such as VLM and PLM, are active. VLP is sometimes used as a synonym for VLP
The tape archives emulated in CentricStor are referred to as Virtual Library Services
Depending on the type and number of host systems connected, the VLS occurs in
various instances:
Volume Header
Each logical volume (LV) which is written to a physical tape is preceded by a 32,768-
byte Volume Header.
Volume Serial Number ➟ VSN
Name of the logical volume (LV). Any combination of up to 6 characters. The following
are permitted:
– Alphabetic characters in upper case
– The special characters #, $, @, _, %, +, - (plus and minus characters may not
occupy the first position)
The Volume Serial Number must be unnique in the entire CentricStor network.
Name of the larger CentricStor models
Host port Instance Library
BS2000/OSD, z/OS and OS/390 VAMU ADIC
Open Systems Server (UNIX, Windows) VDAS
CSC Clients of BS2000/OSD VACS StorageTek
Open Systems Server (UNIX, Windows) with ACSLS
LIB/SP Clients from Fujitsu VLMF Fujitsu
Open Systems Clients, UNIX and Windows VJUK SCSI