U41117-J-Z125-7-76 611
The FC Layer Model has 5 layers which have the following names:
– FC-0 (Physical Layer)
– FC-1 (Data Link Layer, coding/decoding the signals to be transferred)
– FC-2 (Network Layer, flow control, service classes)
– FC-3 (Common Services Layer, e.g. multicast, striping)
– FC-4 (Protocol Mapping Layer, e.g. FCP, FICON)
FC Layer Model ➟ FC
FCP, like FICON, is a protocol of the uppermost layer FC-4 (Protocol Mapping Layer) in
the FC Layer Model. It defines how the SCSI protocol of the Application Layer above,
which is exchanged between the application and the terminal, is mapped onto the
services of the lower FC layers.
FC Switch
An FC switch is the central component of an FC-based Storage Area Network (SAN). It is
capable of connecting each of the terminals which are connected in a star-shaped
configuration with any of the others and of guaranteeing a defined bandwidth for each
connection. The FC switches used for the internal SAN in the CentricStor VTA models
have 16, 24 or 32 ports.
Fibre Connectivity ➟ FICON
Fibre Channel ➟ FC
Fibre Channel Protocol ➟ FCP
Fibre Channel Switch ➟ FC Switch
FICON, like FCP, is a protocol of the uppermost layer FC-4 (Protocol Mapping Layer)
in the FC Layer Model. It defines how the ESCON protocol of the Application Layer
above is mapped onto the services of the FC layers below.
Global Extended Control Center➟ GXCC
Graphic User Interface➟ GUI
The graphical user interface (GUI) contains the following two components:
GXCC: User interface for operation, maintenance and monitoring of the CentricStor
XTCC: Displays and operations within a CentricStor ISP
GXCC is the user interface for operation, maintenance and monitoring of CentricStor .
It is a program with X user interface which supplies a complete graphical image of a
CentricStor systems which includes all the connected devices and ISPs, such as ICP,
IDP and VLP. GXCC handles all ISPs and other components of a CentricStor network
as a unit.