524 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
Message lines Explanation of console messages
SXVW007 VLPWATCH: ALERT: VW(#007) AutoVLP-Failover: Raid1 (cache 100 | 101) not mounted!
SXVW007 VLPWATCH: ALERT: VW(#007) AutoVLP-Failover: connection to LAN and start of vtls
SXVW007 VLPWATCH: ALERT: VW(#007) AutoVLP-Failover: please correct the Raid1-connection
and reboot the system!
No connection to RAID1 could be set up. Mounting of the tape file system is forbidden. The
LAN interface has been disabled so that no “duplicate address” can be created. This ISP
can only be operated via the console.
The RAID problem must be examined and rectified. If it was only necessary to correct
connection problems, only a reboot is then required. If maintenance work needs to be
performed on the RAID system, the function must be deconfigured explicitly on the VLP and
SXVW008 VLPWATCH: ALERT: VW(#008) AutoVLP-Failover: internal or external LAN connection
is down; terminated!
SXVW008 VLPWATCH: ALERT: VW(#008) AutoVLP-Failover: please correct the LAN-connection
and reboot the system!
The internal or external LAN connection is defective. The function cannot start its task
correctly and is terminated immediately. If the problem is detected on the VLP a “shutdown
halt” takes place.
Examine and rectify the LAN problem. A reboot must then be performed.
SXVW009 VLPWATCH: NOTICE: VW(#009) AutoVLP-Failover: terminated!
The AutoVLP failover function has been terminated on this ISP.
SXVW010 VLPWATCH: ALERT: VW(#010) AutoVLP-Failover: LAN_0 connection is DOWN; shutdown!
link_status=down was detected for the LAN interface iee0/bge0. A shutdown with Power
OFF was performed for the ISP.
Rectify the LAN connection problems and reboot the ISP.
SXVW011 VLPWATCH: ALERT: VW(#011) AutoVLP-Failover: LAN_1 connection is DOWN; shutdown!
link_status=down was detected for the LAN interface iee1/bge1. A shutdown with Power
OFF was performed for the ISP.