318 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
History diagrams Global Status
or wild card term> | | | | | |
-da <start date | opt. | opt. | opt. | opt. | opt. | opt.
(YYYY-MM-DD)> | | | | | |
-dv <device name as found| | | | x | |
in globstat(*2) or | | | | | |
wild card term> | | | | | |
-hd <history directory, | opt. | opt. | opt. | opt. | opt. | opt.
e.g. /usr/tmp/\ | | | | | |
hist_log> (*3) | | | | | |
-ho <start hour | opt. | opt. | opt. | opt. | opt. | opt.
(>=0 and <24)> | | | | | |
-in <ISP name, e.g. ICP0 | | x | x | x | |
or wild card term> | | | | | |
-pt <period of time | opt. | opt. | opt. | opt. | opt. | opt.
(1h, 2h, 3h, 6h, 12h, | | | | | |
1d, 3d, 1w, 1m, 3m, | | | | | |
6m, or 1y)> | | | | | |
-tn <tapepool name as | | | | | x |
found in globstat> | | | | | |
(*1) click left mouse button in globstat window on channel, which you are
interested in, and take string, which appears behind ':' in the balloon
(*2) click left mouse button in globstat window on device, which you are
interested in, and take string, which appears behind ',' in the balloon
(*3) This parameter is needed, if history files were imported from a foreign
CentricStor system. It specifies the directory in the local system, in
which the foreign history files were stored.
Sample calls:
get_hist.sh escon -ch ca0 -in ICP1 -da 2006-02-22 -ho 13 -pt 3h
get_hist.sh tape -dv c15t12l0 -in IDP0 -da 2006-03-31 -ho 20 -pt 1d
To process the generated history data using Excel or a program which can interpret Excel
data (referred to as the evaluation program below), the data must be transferred (e.g. using
ftp) to the computer on which the evaluation program is called. The files generated are ge-
nerally 50 KB in size.