U41117-J-Z125-7-76 91
Operating and monitoring CentricStor Operator configuration
5.2 Operator configuration
5.2.1 Basic configuration
Without requiring additional hardware or further software licences, CentricStor offers the
following configuration for operation and monitoring:
Figure 33: CentricStor basic configuration
Within a CentricStor cluster, the InfoBroker will accept two connections to GXCC if this has
been started on an ISP of CentricStor. The X11 server can run internally in CentricStor,
using the local consoles, but also externally. The InfoBroker can also accept an additional
connection to a GXCC outside CentricStor if this is made using a modem (SLIP)
connection. This connection is designed to be used for remote maintenance purposes.
5.2.2 Expansion
The operating options can be expanded using the additional license 3595-RMT (CS Re-
mote Monitoring and Administration). If the RMT key is installed in a CentricStor system,
the InfoBroker accepts any number of connections to a GXCC outside its CentricStor. This
CentricStor can consequently be monitored on any number of independent computers
(workstations) with GXCC/XTCC.
For performance reasons the number of connections with GXCC within CentricStor remains
limited to two.
X11 server
Phone line
connecting to the
X11 server