
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 243
Global Status Function bar of the Global Status Monitor
The following data is listed:
Arranged according to ICP:
emu/vid name Number of the emulation (390 emulation) / LUN (FC SCSI device).
lib. device Archive name/address of the device.
virtual device System name of the virtual tape device.
mounted volume VSN of a mounted volume; empty if no volume is mounted.
special state
(emu/device) Status of the emulation/device; in the example, two of the emula-
tions are running with activated trace.
virtual library processes
vlm process Displays which ISP is running the VLM.
vls processes vls processes name, ISP and type of the VLS
with VJUK also: controller and LUN number via which the relevant VJUK
is addressed.