U41117-J-Z125-7-76 127
GXCC Main window
If the AutoVLP failover function has been configured, it can be activated. If the function was
activated before a shutdown took place, VLP monitoring is activated automatically on this
ISP by means of a reboot.
The CentricStor controller could not be determined:
This status also occurs temporarily during Distribute and Activate.
Mirror status:
The triangle at the top left
indicates that GXCC is
connected to this ISP.
Only for VLP/SVLP: The
blue bar indicates that
this ISP is the VLP
master in the network.
The triangle indicates that external
access via LAN to this ISP is
The status of the
hardware components
and drivers is displayed
in the right-hand margin
(see page 133).
The line in upper case
specifies the ISP type.
The second line contains
the unit name of the ISP.
On the VLP and SVLP a
triangle is displayed if the
AutoVLP failover has been
configured: If this triangle
is red, AutoVLP failover is
not activated. Green
indicates that it is
The boxes at the upper
edge contain the
numbers of the
Triangle on the right-hand side:
Mirror status
If no configured VLP could be started as
a master, the symbol for the VLPs is
crossed through in red. In this case
CentricStor is not operational.
A triangle on the right-hand side of the ISP symbol (turned
inward) provides information on the mirror status in mirror
mode. If the triangle is missing, the mirror status is OK. A white
triangle indicates that the match has not yet been performed. A
red triangle indicates that the mirror status is not up to date.