U41117-J-Z125-7-76 159
GXCC Function bar
DateTime Date and time in the form YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
ISP-Name Name of the ISP from which the message originates.
Separator One or two characters (for their meaning see page 441)
Message text
In addition to the functions available in all text windows, the function bar of the system
message window also contains “AutoUpdate” and “AutoPopup”. These functions of the text
viewer are described on page 362.
Certain alerting actions are predefined for the messages in accordance with their
priorities. For example, the priorities EMERGENCY and ALERT (i.e. all flashing
messages in red) trigger a teleservice call (among other things) when the other
requirements for this are satisfied. GXCC Update/Revert Tool
Principle behind software updating
The software for the user interface of CentricStor runs on a wide variety of platforms. The
delivery package of CentricStor includes a CD containing the user interface software and
installation utilities. Following initial installation the updating of the software is largely
When reading in software updates to a CentricStor system, any new versions of
GXCC/XTCC are also read in there automatically. The corresponding program files will also
be stored in compressed form. When GXCC/XTCC sets up a connection to a CentricStor
system, a check is made to see whether the CentricStor system contains newer versions of
GXCC/XTCC. If this is the case, the compressed files are transferred to the GXCC system
(usually a workstation) and saved there in an update folder.
A message is then output to the user interface. Example:
The same notice is issued to all GXCC applications that are active at the time. The same
info box is issued at the start of GXCC and each XTCC if the update folder contains a
version that is newer than the one that has just been started.