212 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
Function bar GXCC
VXYZ21 results in an error message if Number of Volumes > 78.
If an existing logical volume is to be replaced by an empty volume of the same name, it must
first be deleted (see next section) and then added again.
The assignment of logical volume group to one or two physical volume group(s) is
described in the section “Physical Volume Operations » Link/Unlink Volume
Groups” on page 221.
Buttons along the bottom border
OK The add operation is started.
Cancel The window is closed without any further activity.
Actions linked with “OK”
If logical volumes already exist in the range defined by means of the start VSN and number
of volumes, these remain unchanged. However, they are taken into account in the number.
If a larger number of logical volumes are added, you will first see a message box in
which the number of volumes already added is displayed:
It is not possible to abort the function. You must therefore wait until all the
volumes have been added!
If you attempt to close the message box using the Cancel button, an additional
message window with a warning is displayed:
Cancel button