168 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
Function bar GXCC
Elements of the configuration dialog boxes
Command buttons along the lower border:
All dialog boxes used to change the configuration have the same set of buttons:
OK Temporarily saves your changes to /usr/apc/broker/vtls.conf.new or
/usr/apc/broker/vtls_vg.conf.new and ensures that they are taken into
consideration in the other dialog boxes of the configuration group. If the
…conf.new files do not yet exist, they are created by copying over the configu-
ration file currently active and modifying it in accordance with your entries. The
menu item remains selected, and further changes are possible.
In the GXCC main window a diskette icon indicates that the work file in
/usr/apc/broker no longer matches the active configuration file.
Cancel Closes the dialog box without applying your changes.
Reset Resets all fields to the values set when the dialog box was opened. The dialog
box remains open.
Help Opens a text box containing operating instructions alongside the dialog box.
Any configuration changes not yet activated with “Distribute and Activate” are stored tempo-
rarily by the InfoBroker when you click “OK” and will be retained even if GXCC is shut down.
If the system’s InfoBroker is shut down before the configuration changes have been
activated, any changes not yet activated will be lost. The same applies to any
changes not yet activated when CentricStor is shut down.
If the vtlsconf_use_new file exists in the /usr/apc/broker folder when the
InfoBroker restarts, the .new files are not deleted and the vtlsconf_use_new file
is deleted. Thus, if you want to prevent the deletion of latent configuration changes
at restart of the InfoBroker, you must create a file with this name by using the appro-
priate shell commands. The action must be repeated after every startup of the
InfoBroker. This allows you to rescue extensive configuration entries, for example,
if you discover at an initial configuration that the system has to be restarted.