
406 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
VLS (Virtual Library Service) XTCC
The following information is also output for VLSs of the type VJUK:
Vendor ID Vendor identifier
Product ID Product identifier
Serial No Serial number
Slots Number of slots
Controller Number of the controller used
Lun SCSI Lun of the jukebox
Mode Operating status
8.14.2 Functions for individual VLSs
The functions available for a VLS depend on its type.
VDAS has the “Show Trace” function which opens a text window containing trace infor-
mation. Show Trace
Displays the trace data. This function is available only for VLSs of type VDAS.
8.14.3 Global functions for all VLSs of an ISP
When operating in Observe or User mode, there are no such functions available.
Example: VJUK