410 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
VLM (Virtual Library Manager) XTCC Set HALT Mode/Set RUN Mode
This function is not available in Observe mode.
In HALT mode, the VLM accepts no mount jobs for logical volumes. All other CentricStor
activities continue to run. The hosts can continue to access logical volumes that are already
mounted. Mount jobs are rejected with the error message “N005 - Robot not ready”.
In some host systems, even a brief HALT period can result in considerable distur-
bance to magnetic tape processing.
If you choose the “Set HALT Mode” menu item, a dialog box asks you if you really want to
execute this function. If you confirm with “Yes” then a corresponding message box is
displayed that you must confirm by clicking “OK”.
The symbol for the VLM in the corresponding XTCC window changes to red/green:
CentricStor has not yet reached its idle state. Before this can happen, all the logical volumes
must be unloaded and all the “dirty” cache data must be written back.
The idle state is most clearly identified on the basis of the cache status. In Global Status no
“dirty” data may now be displayed in the cache statistics. In this case, the status IDLE must
be displayed in the last line of the text field.
“Set RUN Mode” exits the HALT status. This command is available in the VLM function
menu if the VLM is in HALT mode. This command is also effective even if the VLM has not
yet entered idle status.