U41117-J-Z125-7-76 457
Explanation of console messages Message lines
SXIB200 IB 200 NOTICE "Please archive the performance history log files."
If performance analyses are required for periods which precede the recording period, the
history log files from the [fsys]/apc/diag/emtape/hist_log directory must be archi-
ved. Obsolete performance history log files are automatically deleted after the recording pe-
riod has elapsed .
SXIB201 IB 201 WARNING "Performance history recording discontinued."
It is not possible to continue writing the history data (permanent or temporary problem).
Cause: may be a write error, hard disk is full, too many processes in the system, among
other things.
SXIB202 IB 202 NOTICE "Performance history recording resumed."
If the situation indicated by IB201 was temporary, recording of history data is continued.
In the history data there will be a time gap between message IB201 and IB202.
SXIB300 IB(#300): ERROR: connection to <isp> lost
The hosts of the CentricStor network are monitored using a “keep-alive” mechanism. Here
the hosts must report regularly to the network by means of “sign-of-life” messages. If the
above message appears this means that the host specified with <isp> has not sent any
“sign-of-life” message for more than 10 seconds. It can be assumed that the host is no
longer available. This message also occurs in poor or overloaded networks or if the
monitoring software on the host has been stopped. However, if neither is the case, this
means that the host has been shut down or has crashed.
Notify maintenance staff.
SXIB400 IB(#400) ALERT: Distr. & Act.: vtls_spray: cmd "<command>" failed
During a “Distribute and Activate” the vtls_spray.sh script encountered an error in the
command <command> and has terminated.
Check why the command <command> could not be executed.
SXIB500 VLP0 : IB(#500) ERROR <fcswitch> not reachable
The FC switch does not respond to SNMP requests.