U41117-J-Z125-7-76 385
XTCC Emulations of drives connected to OS/390 host adapters
The information box contains the following information:
Emulation Name of the emulation.
Virtual Drive Internal CentricStor name for the logical drive.
Mnemonic Name of the logical drive in the host (if defined).
CIuster, Unit ESCON address of the logical drive (chennel and unit number).
Revision Software revision level.
Attached Path (CUI, CHI): n,t,cc,llll,a,uu (uu, cc)
Describes the paths to the hosts:
n: Host adapter number
t: Host adapter type
cc: Channel image if defined
llll: Link address (connection number of the host on the ESCON director)
a: Connection status (a=attached)
uu: Control Unit Image (CUI)
Channel Process/Device Process/Last Error
Process ID and last error message from the channel and device processes in the SINIX
Specifies whether autostart is active for this emulation.
8.9.2 Functions for individual 3490 emulations
If the yellow “Busy” symbol is displayed for the selected drive, this means that the function
menu is currently not available.
The following functions are available:
– Show Error/Transfer Statistics
– Show Short Trace
– Show Path Trace
– Show Error Log
– Show Memory Log