158 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
Function bar GXCC Show System Messages
Opens a text window to display the ISP system messages. The window is automatically
positioned on the last outputs.
The console messages of all CentricStor systems are listed by priority and in the order in
which they occurred.
You can also display the system messages by clicking the symbols in the title bar.
The messages are identified by different colors depending on their urgency:
[blu] Blue WARNING Warning
[red] Red ERROR Error message
CRITICAL Critical (e.g. serious device error)
[reb] Flashing red ALERT Alarm: eliminate error immediately
EMERGENCY Alarm: system is unstable
A message comprises the following elements:
Attribute [blu],... [reb] specifies the display mode. This means that important
messages can also be identified in a black/white display.
MsgNumber ID of the message, maximum 7 characters.