
U41117-J-Z125-7-76 271
Global Status History data Statistics » Logical Components »Logical Volumes (physical view)
You use this call to display the logical volumes which are known to the PLM together with
their statuses.
The right-hand part of the window displays all the output data in tabular form.
LV1st VSN of the first logical volume of a name group (see below)
LVend VSN of the last logical volume of a name group (see below)
LVcount Number of LVs in the name group extending from LV1st to LVend
A name group consists of a sequence of logical volumes whose VSNs differ
only in a serial number which is incremented by 1, e.g.
The left-hand part of the window shows the distribution data, both in the form of a pie chart
and in a distribution table.
The number of LVs in the total quantity with the same distribution paramaters is used as the
ditribution function. The menu item Distribution can be used to define not only the parame-
ters but also their order; the current setting and order is displayed in the toolbar.