U41117-J-Z125-7-76 75
Selected system administrator activities Reorganization
4.4.3 When is a reorganization performed?
Depending on the type of event or status which triggers reorganization, the PLM performs
reorganization either immediately after the event occurs or within a configurable time of day
The following three events cause reorganization to be triggered immediately regardless of
the time of day:
● Explicitly by means of a user command
It is possible for the user to explicitly request the reorganization of a physical volume via
the GXCC user interface (see section “Starting the reorganization of a physical volume”
on page 78). This event has priority over all other reasons for reorganization which may
occur simultaneously. Any reorganization which may be running for the physical volume
group concerned is aborted.
● Hard minimum event
This event has occurred whenever one of the following two conditions are fulfilled:
– The number of scratch tapes falls below the hard minimum specified in the GXCC
menu “Physical Volume Groups” (see page 187).
– There are read tapes present with any occupancy level.
If the number of scratch tapes falls below the hard minimum, the following system
message is issued (see page 75):
SXPL008 ... PLM(#8): WARNING: hard minimum of free PVs (<num>) of PV-
group <PVG> reached
Once the number of scratch tapes exceeds the hard limit again, the “all clear” is given
(see page 75):
SXPL009 ... PLM(#9): NOTICE: number of free PVs of PV-group <PVG> over
hard minimum (<num>) again
● Absolute minimum event
If the number of scratch tapes falls below the absolute minimum, the PLM will reject all
normal “Save” requests and will only process those issued in the context of the reorga-
This is because the PLM itself requires a number of scratch tapes for reorganization
purposes. Without these, it could find itself in a dead-lock situation.
If the number of scratch tapes falls below the hard minimum, the following message will
be written to the file klog.msg (see page 76):
SXPL010 ... PLM(#10): WARNING: absolute minimum of free PVs (<num>) of
PV-group <PVG> reached